8 Tips To Get Ready For Spring Running And Storing Your Winter Gear

Everything, Fitness + Running, How To / Monday, April 1st, 2019

Winter is not my cup of tea. I prefer to keep outdoor workouts short, or run with my favorite running club on cold, crisp winter mornings .

There is nothing I love more than warm, sunny spring days when I can shed the layers and get out for a workout!

But sometimes, I’ll find that my gear is not in the greatest shape as when I left it last season. Nothing like finding your trail shoes caked in mud from last fall’s trail race.

Here are a few tips to get your running gear ready for spring weather, and for putting away your winter gear safely so it’s ready to use when you need it.

1. Sell your unused or old gear

Time for a new GPS watch? If you’ve gone all winter using the same old running gear, now is a good time to put it up for sale to get a little cash towards new stuff.

Online stores such as eBay or the Facebook Marketplace are good places to put your gear up for sale. Local running groups are also good sources to sell your gear.

Take good photos and research pricing for your listing to get the best result for your sale. Make sure to list anything that may be wrong with your item before selling it.

2. Wash your winter gear before putting it away

It’s always a good idea to wash your gear before storing it. Use a detergent formulated for delicates or sport-specific clothing such as Nathan Sport Wash. I like to use Soak Wash for hand washing my really delicate gear.

Use a laundry wash bag to wash items that might damage other clothing or get tangled up in the wash cycle such as hydration vests.

Pay close attention to the garment washing instructions. Use a cold, gentle cycle and it’s always a good idea to line dry your workout gear.

3. Sew up and repair torn clothes

Sew up any tears in any winter gear you are storing so you don’t have to deal with it next season. Finding drafty holes in your clothing when you least expect it can make for an uncomfortable run.

If you don’t know how to hand sew, here is a good video that might help. You can pick up a basic sewing kit at the drug store or any major retailer that sells sewing accessories:

4. Check the Use By date on any leftover nutrition

Did you put away nutrition at the end of last season? Check the Use By date on the label to make sure it’s still fresh if you plan to use it again.

The last thing you want is to open up a nutrition bar during your workout that has expired and not have it taste good, or get you sick!

Always store your nutrition in its protective wrapper and store in a closed container at room temperature.

5. Wash mud (or salt) off of shoes and traction devices

If you’re like me, I tend to get lazy and not wash the mud off of my trail shoes at the end of my last trail race of the season before winter sets in.

Take a few minutes to rinse your shoes off with a garden hose, or in the sink using a rough brush to clean them of mud or left over road salt.

Never put running shoes in the washing machine or dryer! Stuff them with newspaper and set them outside to dry.

If you used traction devices over the winter, like Yaktrax or micro-spikes, rinse them out and let them completely dry before storing them.

6. Take batteries out of electronics

Batteries can do serious damage if they are left inside of electronics that are left in storage for long periods of time.

Take batteries out of flashers, headlamps, and other gadgets that you won’t be using in the warmer months.

Plus, it’s a good way to remind yourself to put fresh batteries in when you’re ready to use them again.

7. Look for deals on winter gear

The months leading into spring between February and April are a great time to shop for great deals on last season’s winter gear.

It can also serve as great motivation to stay in shape to make sure you can fit in them come winter!

8. Cancel gym memberships

Treadmills and other gym equipment are good excuses to stay indoors and NOT enjoy the beautiful outdoors in warmer weather.

Now is a good time to cancel gym memberships and spend your workouts outdoors. Some gyms allow you to put memberships on hold at a lower monthly cost, so you can turn them back on again when it gets colder.

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